
Simulant comes with a built-in method of managing translations and languages.


Simulant maintains an "active language" at all times. By default this is en_US, and it is assumed that all text strings in the source codes are en_US by default. If the source text of your translations is in a different language you can override the source_language_code in the AppConfig.

If you want to activate a different language than the source language, you must call activate_language(language_code), this will search the available asset paths for an ARB file (Flutter translation format) with the name of the language code. For example, get_app()->activate_language("fr"); will search for a file names fr.arb and load the translations from there.

From this point on, if you want to retrieve the translated text for a source text, you can call get_app()->translated_text("my text"); and this will return the equivalent as loaded from the ARB file if that text exists. If the text doesn't exist in the ARB file then the original source text will be returned.

get_app()->translated_text() is conveniently aliased to the _T() macro, so it's much easier to use, for example:

auto my_label = stage->ui->new_widget_as_label(_T("This is some translateable text"));

It is highly recommended that you use this macro for all translations. This is so that automated tools can easily find your translatable strings by searching the code for the _T() macro.
