
A scene is designed to be a single screen in your game. For example, you might have a loading Scene, a menu Scene, etc.

Creating a Scene

Scenes are subclasses of a class template called Scene<T>. To create your Scene class you must do the following:

Here's an example:

class MyScene : public Scene<MyScene> {
    MyScene(Window* window):
        Scene<MyScene>(window) {}

    void load();

You can then register the Scene in your application's init() method:

    bool init() {
        return true;

Whichever Scene is registered with the name "main" is the first Scene instantiated when the application begins.

Scene Methods

You can override the following methods in your Scene class:

activate() and deactivate() are called when you change to a different scene.

Scene Management

Scenes are managed by the SceneManager, which is a property of Application. The application SceneManager is accessible directly from within a scene using the scenes property.

You can make a Scene current by calling SceneManager::load_and_activate(name, behaviour, ...). This will do a number of things:

You have a lot of control over this process:

This means that you can (for example) create render pipelines that remain active even once the Scene has been deactivated, and use that to implement transitions etc.

You can also pass arbitrary arguments to Scenes on activation. You can access these arguments by using the get_load_arg<T>(index) function from within the Scene. When calling load_and_activate, or preload you can pass the arguments as variadic args for access. This is useful if you want to (for example) pass the level number to the game scene.